Fourth Method Of Making The Background - Stipple Effect

Lay a piece of manilla paper on the table about twelve inches larger on

each edge than your strainer, placing the strainer on it face up; rub a

handful of cotton batting first in the crayon sauce and then on the

manilla paper to remove any foreign substance. Then apply the cotton

with a circular motion to the crayon paper to make the background

desired. Next sprinkle the pulverized pumice stone over the entire

d, and go over this with the fingers in a circular movement,

using them flat from the second joint to the ends; then lift the

strainer up, and, resting it on the edge, jar off all the pumice stone,

and when this is done, lay it down again and rub it off with a clean

piece of cotton. Now rub the fingers in the crayon sauce, keeping them

flat so that it will adhere evenly to them, and go over the background

lightly as when rubbing in the pumice stone and you will produce a nice

stipple effect. Finally, place the strainer on the easel, and finish

according to the directions given for finishing crayons made on bromide


Of course it will need considerable experience before you can succeed

in doing this perfectly, but patience and perseverance will ultimately

accomplish the desired end. There are two matters of importance to be

borne in mind in making these backgrounds--first, do not have any

small, hard pieces of crayon on the cotton when you rub it on the

paper, and second, use the fingers in as flat a position as possible,

for if you do not have them flat down on the paper you are likely to

make dark spots in the background.

